
Showing posts from January, 2021

30 Amazing Types of Phobias

Phobia is actually not a fear it is the increase of Anxiety Level of a Person. Here are 30 Amazing Types of Phobias:- 1  Achluophobia -  Fear of darkness. Achluophobia  is the fear of darkness. The origin of the word Achluo is Greek (meaning to darken) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear).  Achluophobia  is considered to be a specific phobia. 2  Acrophobia -  Fear of heights. Acrophobia  is an extreme or irrational  fear  or  phobia of heights , especially when one is not particularly high up. 3  Catoptrophobia -  Fear of mirrors. Catoptrophobia  (from Greek catropto or katoptron, mirrors), also known as spectrophobia (from Latin spectro (ghosts), and eisotrophobia (from Greek eis (into) and optikos (vision)) is the fear of mirrors. 4  Belonephobia -  Fear of pins and needles. Although sometimes also referred to as aichmophobia,  belonephobia , or enetophobia, those terms generally denote a  fear of pins ,  needles , or sharp objects while tryphanophobia also includes the medical aspect